21 December 2006

Air Canada Upgrades - well maybe not

It was my lucky day - I called Air Canada - just before I checked in on the web and asked if one of the two classes of certificates I had would allow me to upgrade. Now the only reason I was doing this was because when I had originally booked the flight and upgraded from Tango to Tango Plus it was suggested that this would be possible.

The telephone reservations clerk was very pleasant and said he could help.
Window or aisle?
Window please.
3K is available.

I thought - wow, that was easy. Mind you it is just a few days prior to Christmas and it is a red eye (like why bother flying business class for a 4 hour trip anyway when all you get is breakfast and service is usually lacking if I think back to previous experience)?

Taxi out to YVR, go into the Executive Class baggage drop off point, pull out my coupons and ask "which one would you like". He says, "Dark blue". Okay I have 14 light blues and 8 black. No dark blue. I ask again. Same answer. Hmm, well he tells me that he will tag my bags (no big deal since he has to tag them anyway since I hold an Elite Gold card - but the way he says it makes it sound like he's treating me nice).

Then he says...it is in the hands of the gate agent.

It is approaching the witching hour of 11 PM and I'm sure the gate agent would rather just go home instead of dealing with an annoyed passenger.

So I head into the Maple Leaf lounge as that handy card allows me access.
Pour myself a white wine and perrier and that is where I find myself now.

Ah - well let's see what happens.

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