10 February 2009

Eat Smarter - Eat Healthier

Every now and then I actually try to eat healthy when I'm on the road so I went to the local ACME http://www.acmemarkets.com/ and picked up some Bertolli pasta, Oikos Organic Yoghurt (they spell it like yogurt), shredded cheese, pretzels, and local mustard that was very good.

Looking at my receipt I noticed that I got charged for the Haagen Dazs that I purchased but then asked to have removed.

Darn it all I forgot to look (this is one of those silly mistakes that are entirely preventable - take a moment to see that you got what you paid for).

Not much I can do right now unless I want to call John Henry Jr, the Store director at (3020 738-9509) - maybe an email address would also be useful on the receipt. But good on them for at least giving me a way to reach them. But I'm back in Canada and what could he do? It would be my word against his word even if I have photo evidence (but the ice-cream may be been purposely excluded he might think - hmm, do I have a problem with trust).

Anyhow my knock down savings was a whole $1.48.
Total number of items purchased 9 (actually 8) and grand total was 9.
Good value were the nuts for $4.99; Manns broc stir fry set me back $2.50 and the lemon was 79 cents.

Pretty healthy.
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