31 January 2018

Moon Hunting

It’s January 31, 2018. I’m sitting at my dining room table, looking out towards the backyard at the rooftops where I can see the morning frost is disappearing into the blackness of the roof tiles. It is just getting light. I was up multiple times this past night, well actually early this morning, and by early I mean 2:30 AM, trying to catch a glimpse of the full blood blue Moon. 

First I was a little too early, then I ignored my second chance by hitting the alarm clock (after my partner telling me that it didn’t look any different yet) and finally when I got up at 6:45 AM it was too late.  I could not find the moon anywhere. Perhaps it has already left my sight lines. I did try to find it.  If anyone were to see me, they might’ve noticed I was wearing no socks, pull-on shoes, my long quilted jacket that I got from Costco Canada and underneath my flannel black polkadot PJ top. I’m sure that I look like some sort of crazed middle-aged women, walking briskly down the street with my binoculars, wondering if I would spot the moon at the next intersection.

Now I was moon hunting. I turned back to the house. I even got in my SAAB and drove down to the waterfront hoping to glimpse it. No luck at Kits Beach but it did remind me how wonderfully still the morning air can be, that there are actually people out there jogging in the dark, or walking their dogs down to the water, and that I need to get more active in my daily living. So much for the moon hunting. I did have the right morning as I orginally thought it was Jan 31st evening which would have made it Feb 1st meaning I would have seen nada - nothing - nada!

I will have to make do with the memory of the full moon as it hovered over my head at 2:30 AM in the morning and it had that curious cloudy hazy ring around it and bright brilliance that reminds me how small we really are. 

As for that elusive red moon, I will look on Twitter when I get home. I know that sun eclipse this past summer, was a huge event\in Vancouver BC. This particular moon eclipse didn't have quite the same impact, however I love full moons and I am always amazed by how they hover in my life whether I'm gazing at it in a snow covered field in Finland, from a beach in New Zealand or over mountains in Chile.

I missed this rare occurrence. The next one is a long ways off and there’s a good chance that I will not be alive to view it. This just means that I need to be more aware of the stars and the moons right now. I need to take the opportunity to absorb the full moon when it happens on a monthly basis. In February there will be no full moon, because there were two moons in January. And I'll go searaching for the full moon on Twitter.

This is all about lack of preparation. It is just a lesson for me to think about what do I need to do to be prepared next time. By now you think I would be old enough to know that. The one wonderful aspect of life is that there is always a next time. Nature is full surprises, and there are discoveries to be made every day. So I'm not going to beat myself up but I will try to find the hidden lesson. Later.

This post needs some editing. But I’ve decided to put it on my blog anyway. I spend so much time thinking about how I can I do it, what if my writing style is not correct, concerned that I will not know how to deal with Blogger or WordPress or if I will even remember my passwords to get on to my site. 
I’m also wondering why we are driven to share. Most likely it is part of us just being part of the global tribe and doing what everyone else is doing in this part of the world. Maybe it’s a way we think that we can leave an impact. Or perhaps the digital litter that we are leaving behind is all that we are doing.

Now I am going off rambling and what I was really trying to do was finish off my quiche (part of my pantry cleanup project), think about reaching out to new fresh produce clients and everything else. So I will post this piece as it is and perhaps come back later to it and edit it. The post I will do, and after I've posted I will do something else more physical. Just 10 minutes but that’s all I need. Just 10 minutes.

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